Wednesday 31 January 2018

Do You Need to Perform an Enema Before Anal Sex?

Many people consider anal sex nasty, as most of the times, people think that it is one of the most unclean ways of having sex. Whereas, you can have clean anal sex if you use the right tools at right time. Enema is a technique by which you can clean your anus completely for having a pleasurable anal sex. However, it is often seen that people avoid doing it. If you are confused, then don’t worry because in today’s article, we will tell you why you should perform an it before anal sex and how to do it.

Importance of cleaning the anus before anal sex:

It is important to perform an it before having anal sex, as it makes sure that your anus stays clean. Otherwise, you will most likely get embarrassed in front of your partner. Many people think that it is painful, but it is just a rumor and performing an it does not pain. Therefore, always perform it before anal sex for the best experience possible (also the most hygenic).

How to perform an it?

Doing this might feel a little gross but don’t over think about it very much, because the results of doing this activity are extremely awesome. The process in a little long, so for the full guide you can use the help of the internet. In a nutshell, clean the kit, lubricate the tube, lie down comfortably and start performing it. Make sure that you buy a high quality kit, as the cheap ones are made from the low quality materials, which are harmful for the body.

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