Tuesday 6 February 2018

Know here about penis pump and its use?

Let’s tell the truth, size does matter, and every man in this world wants his penis to be long and rock-solid. However, everyone knows that it is difficult to increase the size of the penis. You must have heard of penis pumps, they are kind of popular and are spread all over the internet and the TV. Many men believe that penis pumps are helpful in making your penis length better. But you should know that it is a lie, and penis pumps don’t make the penis large.

You might be thinking,”If it does not make the penis large, then what is its use?” It is a very popular question and we will answer that in this article.

Use of penis pump:
Penis pumps are mainly used by the patients of erectile dysfunction. ED is one of the worst diseases in the world and penis pumps are used only when the patient does not respond to any other treatments of erectile dysfunction. Penis pumps are very popular among the men aging from 25-60, however, most of the people buy these pumps after hearing the myths. Doctors also advise the use of penis pumps after prostate surgery. The use of a penis pump increases the blood flow in the penis, helping in achieving a strong erection. If you have problems in making your penis erect then you can start using penis pumps.

You might have a clear idea of what penis pumps are now. We hope that our article helped you in clearing your queries.

Friday 2 February 2018

Best Penis Sleeves & Extenders Online

You must have heard of penis extenders and penis sleeves. Women love both of these accessories and want to try it with their partners. While most of the men stay unaware of this fact, you can boost your chances of satisfying your partner. The market of penis sleeves and extenders is overcrowded. There are dozens of these, available online and it is confusing to choose one. But don’t worry because in today’s article, we will tell you about the best penis extenders and sleeves available in the market. So without any delay let us get started:

Silicone penis sleeve: It is the most basic type of penis extender in the market and yet, it is the best-selling one. This one does its job perfectly and if used correctly, you can get dozens of benefits from it. This penis extender will help you in lasting longer in bed, which is extremely important for every man, if he wants to satisfy his partner. These come in various prices and sizes, it is advised that you buy the high quality ones. They might come expensive but they are body-safe and does not melt like the cheaper ones.

Vibrating penis extender: If you want to have a different pleasurable experience then you must try out this vibrating penis extender. It not only helps you in lasting longer in bed, it also gives you pleasure from its vibrations. Just like a normal penis extender, these also come in different sizes and prices.

Do Women Need to Douche?

Every woman loves staying hygienic and they do everything possible to stay clean and healthy. However, there is an extremely popular rumor that women should clean their vagina everyday with water. Almost every modern-day women does this activity during bathing, believing that it will help them in maintaining a healthy and odor free vagina. Whereas, experts say that women should not clean their vagina and internals, as it does not do any good. It can increase the chances of diseases, but it will not help at all.

Myths related to douching:

It is good for you: While 45% of women do douching every week or day, it is not healthy at all. It is a popular myth that doing douche is good. It does not make your vagina clean, however, it will change the pH levels of your vagina, making it prone to infections. You should not do douching, it is harmful for you and it might even do permanent damage to your vagina.

Douching removes bad odor: Bad odor might be present in your vagina because of some bacterial infections or other diseases. And douching will not remove those bad odors, it will just cover up the bad odors and act as a perfume.

It prevents STDs: Many people perform douching after unprotected sex for preventing STDs, but you should know that it is not helpful in such cases. Some women also believe that douching washes out semen, whereas, it does not do anything like that.